Love & the Holiday Halloween
Halloween represents the start of the holiday season. The significance of Halloween is that it is the beginning of the giving season. October, November, and December are months full of giving opportunities. It starts a snowball effect that brings us to the New Year when we all promise to have a better more loving year. We set goals for ourselves and Halloween gives us the idea that we can be or achieve anything.
The Magic
Children dress up and imagine they are something or someone that inspires their creativity and dreams. The experience gives hope to everyone that they can be anything that they want to be. As the children go out on their yearly journey of trick or treat, they are rewarded for their creativity with candy. This has such an impact that many adults continue the tradition as they decorate the yard and hold Halloween parties. Halloween parties give adults a chance to dress up and dream again. If Halloween teaches us anything it teaches us that if we dream big and become the thing we wish to become, we will be rewarded greatly. As the holidays progress and we give thanks and see loved ones, our aspirations grow.
This year as Halloween approaches, dress up in your mind and become what you want to be. Learn from the example that children set for us every year. Don’t sit home and wait for your ‘CANDY’, go out and get it.
Personalized Treasure Scrolls

To celebrate Halloween, Personalized Treasure Scrolls created a variety of Halloween Twilight Lanterns. The lanterns are twilight beacons and reach out to family, friends, and neighbors. As they softly flicker with illumination, each lantern lets passersby know they are invited to your door to enjoy a special treat. Decorating our homes for Halloween tells neighbors to come and visit. It is an invitation to say hello in the form of the words ‘trick-or-treat’. Placing a Halloween Twilight Lantern in the window lets everyone know they are welcome.
To see all the available designs click here: Halloween Twilight Lantern.