Bringing the World Together One Scroll at a Time
A good person once said, “For all, you do for others, you will receive a hundredfold.” Every day we all give of ourselves. From making breakfast for our families to holding a door open for a stranger, we inherently give to others. The good feelings that emerge once you give of yourself are the beginning waves of your kind acts flowing back to you. We believe this to be true.
It has also been said, “It is not the gift that counts, it is the thought that counts.” Everyone knows the feeling of receiving a friendly unexpected letter or package. The moment a kind-hearted message is passed along to someone, happiness fills the heart. This kindness helps take away the sometimes-bitter reality of life. A written message is forever, often saved for many years. These messages give us the chance to reminisce and reflect on all the good memories and people we’ve known throughout our lives.
As family and friends get busy in their own lives time goes by quickly. Often too much time passes before we see or speak to one another. There has to be a way to allow people to experience joy by reconnecting with someone they care about and a simple solution to staying connected with your loved ones throughout the year.
My wife and I had the idea to bring back the old tradition of the written message. Before digital communication took over friends and relatives kept in touch using a pen and paper. With this in mind, we thought up a fun way for people to reach out and connect with one another.
The intent is to regenerate goodwill and the connection between people. We believe we can inspire others to reconnect and join a movement to spread goodwill. With this philosophy in mind the idea of “Personalized Treasure Scrolls” and “Scrolls of Hope” formed. We hope these sites serve as gateways for people to further grow their connections to one another. With kindness and unity, we will live a more fulfilling life together.
While it may seem unrealistic to change the world by spreading goodwill one scroll at a time, it often takes unrealistic goals to start a change. The rest is up to you and me. We wish you all the best in sending love, compassion, and humanity into the world.
Be well, have gratitude and spread goodwill.