A Reckless Goal

The wisdom of a reckless GoalThe Wisdom of a Reckless Goal

When we started out on our journey, the challenge to write 365 days of positive, it was a reckless goal. We could not fathom whether we could stay focused enough to write 100 positive entries no less reach the goal of 365. Another hurdle was our lack of grammar skills. Though we are creative and can write well, we were not proficient enough to consider authoring at such a grand scale. Yet here we are at day 213, improving our skills and still finding things to write about.


A while back, sometime before we took on this challenge, we wrote a line that read as follows. Positive Thoughts followed by Positive Action will create a Positive Future. (PT+PA=PF).

the Positive Formula


So every 24 hours, during our daily toil of work, our minds are always open to finding something positive to think about. The magic to this openness is, the more we look, the more we find. Every day we find more inspirational speakers, meet more positive individuals, and see more positive actions. The inspirational material is neverending.

When we take the time to review some of our positives, we surprise ourselves with some of the different topics we have discovered. Our resolve is strengthened, and we become more committed to finding additional material to be positive about.

Infinite Creation

Going back to our self-created formula we realized it is a formula for infinite creation within ourselves. The more positively we think, the more positive action we find to take, creating positive results. Even our errors could be considered positive if we learn from them and keep moving in our desired direction. We are committed and look forward to the next 152 days with great anticipation to what we will discover along the way.


Every great journey starts with the first step.

Be Well Have Gratitude and Spread Goodwill

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