People of Goodwill Unite
Touch the hearts of those in need of compassion. When people of goodwill come together in a common goal, there is a magical effect. The synergy of compassion begins a tidal wave of change. Scrolls of Hope created an outlet to start a wave of kindness that all will feel throughout the world. This wave cannot happen without a unified effort.
Companies and individuals can begin to sponsor a continual flow of messages of hope and inspiration to those in need. Scrolls of Hope has created programs for children, adults and the elderly who are in healthcare facilities. There are also programs for the homeless and military troops abroad. All sponsorship contributions will go directly into the distribution of caring messages and packages of hope to raise the spirits of those in unfavorable conditions.
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Sponsors feature Page
Scrolls of Hope will feature each sponsor on a unique feature page. Each contributor recognized for their kindness. Depending on the contribution level there will be either a display listing or text listing. Each listing will have a link back to the sponsor’s webpage or social feed. As packages are received, a special tribute will be given over the Scrolls of Hope social networks with a distinctive mention.
Each listing will have
- sponsorship level
- company logo or image (for display listings)
- description of the company or individual bio
- links to a website or a social media account
Any companies or individuals who would like to submit a story highlighting their altruism or acts of humanitarianism may do so. Each approved story will be posted in the Good Scrolls Gazette the news blog for Scrolls of Hope. All featured stories get shared across the Scrolls of Hope and Good Scrolls social networks.
Become a Sponsor Today
When video, photos or notifications of the delivery of your sponsored package become available, each will post on the Good Scrolls Gazette, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many other networks with special mention of your sponsorship.
A thank you note is also included in the package to give recipients an opportunity to express their thanks when possible. All thank you notes will also get posted on the Good Scrolls Gazette with esteemed acknowledgment.
Visit and find out: What Is ‘Scrolls of Hope?’
Connection through Good Communication
Visit the affiliated sites that share the same mission:
Personalized Treasure Scrolls
The InterGalactic Messengers.
Call 631-892-4187 for more information or to become a Scrolls of Hope Sponsor.
Contributions go to the creation and distribution of your personalized message scrolls and caring gifts.
Be Well, Have Gratitude and Spread Goodwill