Super Thought Highway
Sometimes when we are doing something, we spend a lot of time on a proverbial country road, bending and turning without a clear destination. Our thoughts are lazy and quiet on the neverending span that seems to go on forever. Naturally, this is fine if your goal is to chill and relax.
Personally, we love the open, indeterminate pathways of going slowly when that is our plan for the day. But, when we get into action, and it is time to produce something, we take the on-ramp of the Thought Highway.
Imagine an open highway with lots of lanes for everyone, clear road signs and directions. Think about how easy it will be to get to a destination when the instructions are clear, and the thoughts are flowing like traffic on an open expressway. When we know where we are going that is precisely how it can feel.
Doubt, worries, and fears are merely a distraction on the side of the road that causes rubbernecking and slows the flow of creative traffic. It is easy to get distracted on the super highway to creativity when we get too worried about things that do not have to do with where we are going.
Usually, a quick glance will tell us if we need to do something about it. If we do, we can pull over, handle it and get back on the highway full speed ahead. If something has nothing to do with us, we acknowledge it and keep moving on our way to wherever we are going for the day.
Every day we can choose to be on the winding country road or the super expressway. The choice is always ours.
Be Well, Have Gratitude and Spread Goodwill