Seeing the Green The grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence until you’re on the other…
The more of all, the more likely Many thoughts start with self. ‘I am hungry,’ ‘I am tired,’ and ‘what…
Come and Get It Expecting a static object to travel its way into someone’s possession would be somewhat unreasonable. Most…
Now I Know My ABC’s When we are young and start out learning our language, we start with learning the…
Acts of Love and Passion Not every seed that planted is intended but be aware that many will bloom into…
As I lay me down to sleep my strongest thoughts are mine to keep Some say that there are two…
There are always Better Paths Here is a story about taking different paths that we have recently heard. As we…
Feed a Young Spirit the Seeds of Affection We are the seeds of possibility, born into the fertile soil called…
The Dance of a lifetime There are a select few born into the world who know exactly where they are…
There are races we should run together The other day we were watching ‘Hidden Figures.’ It is a movie about…